I have seen a few people discussing their toxic reading traits- some they want to work on, others just an understanding that this is them. I thought it might be a fun topic.
- I guess my biggest toxic reading trait would be that if my entire library was in paper it would look like an episode of Hoarders. I literally have a TBR pile that I will never get through because there are so many books that look so good! Genius that my husband is, he talked me into eBooks after the first two times we moved. (I guess schlepping eight bookshelves worth of books was a bit much). I tell myself I won’t buy more books… and then I buy more books. I do try to keep 80% of my library digital.
- While I adore paper books, especially right now when we’re doing such beautiful things with the special copies, I nearly never take them with me or go to grab them at home. What can I say, I am lazy and my phone (which is always on me) has over a thousand books on it. So even though I got the deluxe edition of Wicked for a reread and I am loving it, it will no doubt take me months to actually finish it. I am actually hoping to work on this one, force myself to actively set time aside for my pretty books.
- I am far and away too invested in fictional characters. While this is a wonderful reading experience I tend to wonder how my husband holds up as I go through the emotions. I was crying- literally crying over a character one night and he just looked at me and was like “what exactly do I do about this?” He’s also seen me so angry at a character that I am moments away from berating a book. It’s definitely got to be odd watching this without a lot of context.
What are your toxic reading traits?
Happy Reading,
Almost all of my library is on paper and takes up a lot of space and many corners of my house, from the basement tavern to the attic.
Yeah, that would be about right. I miss seeing them all sometimes, but the convenience of literally having them in the palm of my hand is so nice.